

Apr 12, 2023


Babies born on Coronation day were given a royal welcome by York Hospital midwives - with knitted crowns.

The midwives at York Hospital routinely supply newborn babies with hats to keep them warm, as for the first 24 hours of their lives they can struggle to regulate their body temperature.

But for the Coronation day (Saturday, May 6), midwife Sue Crowley knitted 12 sets of purple, white, and gold hats in the shape of crowns for the babies.

The Coronation Day packages gifted by York Hospital's maternity ward (Image: Sue Crowley)

Her daughter, graphic designer Iona Cavenaugh, also designed a logo for newborn vests with a gold crown that read: "York Maternity Unit, 6th May, 2023."

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The parents were given celebration bundles in a bag with the Union Flag on the front.

Baby Rex Spencer (Image: Adam Spencer)

Rex Spencer was the first baby to be born at the hospital on Coronation day, at 1.18am, weighing 7lbs 2oz, to first-time parents Adam and Rosie Spencer from Hemingbrough.

Adam said the Coronation clothes were a "lovely surprise".

"It was very thoughtful of Sue to make them. I didn't get to meet her, but through social media, I was able to thank her and send her a photo of him," he said.

"Happily the birth was very quick and only took an hour and 35 minutes.

"The birthing pool was getting filled before Rosie said she had to push, so sadly she didn't get the opportunity to use it.

"The staff were amazing and put my wife at ease throughout our time there."

Another baby to don the crown and vest was Betsy Maeve Wadsworth.

Betsy with her mum Katie and sister Delilah (Image: Katie Wadsworth)

Betsy was born at 6.05pm weighing 8lb 8oz, to parents Katie and Tom Wadsworth, and her sister Delilah, who turns four in three weeks.

Katie, from Micklefield, said: "We received the most wonderful gift bag containing a coronation baby vest, a gorgeous hand knitted hat, some coronation socks and chocolates, what an amazing treat from York maternity unit.

"The coronation clothes are absolutely stunning and so well made, it was a gorgeous surprise. We are going to get the knitted hat and vest framed as a keepsake."

Baby Betsy Maeve Wadsworth (Image: Katie Wadsworth)

Katie added: "I was born in York Hospital and so was Delilah so we chose to go back for this birth as the experience with Delilah's birth was also great. The midwives are all amazing and so friendly.

"The birth was straight forward, very quick with just gas and air, four hours in the labour ward before she made her arrival.

"Delilah absolutely adores her baby sister and loves helping out looking after her."

Sue knits hats all year round for the maternity ward, including other special hats such as for Christmas babies.

She is always looking for volunteers to knit hats, and has a pattern they can follow.

If you wish to find out more, you can get in touch with Sue via the labour ward at York Hospital.

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