

Sep 04, 2023

Bring this on your next visit to the sauna

The latest and newest craze in Japan has been the recent surge in saunas. Bathhouses in Tokyo offer different types of sauna rooms on top of the usual indoor baths and outdoor baths. From traditional wood burning to steam to infrared saunas, there's tons to choose from.

Going to a sauna regularly can help with improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress levels and in some cases easing aches and pains. However, dehydration and overheating are risks you’ll come across if you stay in the sauna for too long or come unprepared.

For regular sauna goers, sauna hats are essential. At first glance, they might look a bit strange, but they offer several benefits. Sauna hats have been proven to help you from overheating all while protecting your hair, scalp and ears. It might even help you avoid developing a neck rash from all the sweating you’re doing.

While traditionally made out of wool or felt, this new product by Me-Q is a sauna hat that's made of Imabari towels. Made using high-quality materials that do an excellent job of water absorption, these sauna hats are in a class of their own. The hats come in three different sizes with several color options to choose from.

Priced from ¥1,560, it's available on the website

Source: PR Times

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Rather poorly researched promotion.

The benefit of sauna hats is that it helps the wearer stay in the sauna for longer, as when the head area overheats the brain gets the urge to get out the sauna much more quickly.

Nothing to do with "neck rash"


In all the decades that I have been in Japan and used saunas here, I have never seen anyone wearing a hat in a sauna

If people using saunas are feeling dizzy or nauseous or prone to ‘neck rashes’ then it is time to exit the sauna or not to use them…

n all the decades that I have been in Japan and used saunas here, I have never seen anyone wearing a hat in a sauna

Second that.

You would look like a right silly Billy wearing one of those, lol. I don't go to saunas anyway, I try to avoid the heat, you see

If my head is getting too hot then I’ll come out and cool down with a shower-no need to buy anything!

The benefit of sauna hats is that it helps the wearer stay in the sauna for longer, as when the head area overheats the brain gets the urge to get out the sauna much more quickly.

Nothing to do with "neck rash"

The article mentions overheating as the primary benefit obtained from the hats, the rash is mentioned as an extra one that could apply for some people (might even help you...)

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